Poster Submissions

Poster Submission Guidelines
WEEF & GEDC 2022 / AEEA welcomes poster submissions to the conference technical program. Authors who wish to submit posters are requested to follow these guidelines.GENERAL INFORMATION
- Only authors who have submitted abstract and received peer review feedback indicating that they may submit a full paper or poster to the conference are permitted to submit posters to the conference.
- Authors are required to revise their abstracts, taking the peer review feedback into account. The format of the abstract remains the same as the original prescribed abstract submission. Please make sure to take heed of reviewer feedback that addresses abstracts that lacked detail and depth. Abstracts should be 500-700 words and follow the structure given in the abstract guidelines found here:
- Authors re required to create a poster that complies with the Poster Format Guidelines (shown below) and well as a 2 – 5 min pre-recorded narrated walkthrough presentation of the poster (see some examples below).
- Once the poster submission portal opens in July 2022, authors will be required to upload their revised abstract and poster file to the conference ConfTool website. The opening of the portal will be communicated directly with authors who have accepted abstracts via email.
- Deadline for revised abstract and poster file upload is 15 August 2022.
- Posters will be evaluated by the peer review committee based on the Evaluation Criteria listed below. Authors must ensure that their poster addresses all evaluation criteria in order to finalise acceptance of the poster into the technical program. Any final adjustments that are required will be communicated with the authors via email.
- Final deadline for camera-ready posters and pre-recorded presentation upload is 26 September 2022
- The procedure for poster presentation during the conference is as follows:
- All pre-recorded poster presentations will be uploaded to the conference App and will be available for delegates to view throughout the conference.
- The revised abstract will be included in the book of abstracts for the conference, but neither the abstract, poster or recording will form part of the published proceedings.
- Printed hardcopies of the posters must be brought to the conference for display in the poster area. In the case where the author(s) are not attending the conference in person, they must ensure that a printed copy of the poster is delivered to the conference organisers by 1 October 2022.
- There will be an in-person poster session scheduled during the conference so that delegates can interact with the authors. At least one author must be present during this session, unless the author(s) are not attending the conference in-person. In this case, the author(s) must be available for online engagement with delegates during the poster session.
Recommendations for impactful posters
- The title should be short and must draw interest.
- Less text, more visual elements.
- Text must be clear and to the point.
- Use bullets, numbering, and headlines to make it easy to read.
- Use graphics, colour and fonts effectively.
- Consistent and clean layout.
- The poster should communicate your message even when you are not available to elaborate.
· Background, rationale, purpose |
· Background, context, purpose |
· Research question(s) |
· Particular interest/focus of presentation |
· Theoretical framing and literature review |
· Description of work done |
· Methods |
· Links to similar work |
· Implications: How the work adds to the field, relevance for other contexts, additional areas for further research |
· Implications: Take-home messages, e.g. might be relevant or useful in another context, or opens additional areas for further exploration/research |
· Originality or significance of research |
· Value to fellow practitioners |
· Results or conclusions from findings |
· Conclusions |
- The formatting guidelines are used for the PowerPoint A1 Poster Template below.
- The template is a guideline only and authors are free to edit the file as appropriate.
- The conference logo must be displayed in the top left corner of the poster (see Poster Template for blank slide with logo if required).
- The first slide offers a 3 column version, while the second slide offer a 2 column version. Authors can select the one that best suits their needs.
- Poster size: A1 landscape 841 x 594 mm (SI units) closest to 36” x 24” (US)
- Important information should be readable from about 1 meter away.
- Poster title 80 pt minimum
- Authors 56 pt minimum
- Section heading titles 36 pt minimum
- Body text 24 pt minimum
- Captions and references, acknowledgements 18 pt minimum
PowerPoint Template for A1 Poster
Sample conference poster presentations: